Report on Seventh Seminar Series Competition for B.Tech Students
(Alappuzha District level)
KSEB Engineers’ Association is a leading professional body of the Power Engineers in the State Power Sector. The Association is committed to give priority to the dissemination of technical knowledge. Engineers’ Association in association with IEEE Power & Energy Society, Kerala Chapter conducts seminar series competition on “Power Augmentation in Kerala Issues , Challenges & Solutions”. The Competition held at Archana College of Engineering, Noornadu. 13 teams from six leading colleges had registered for the event. The registration was completely online. Six colleges presented their ideas. Ms. Aruna V ( Reg Id ALP 478) bagged the first price.Two teams led by Ms. Anju V, Ms. Amritha Ganesh ( Reg Id ALP 604) of Sree Budha College of Engineering , Pattor and Mr.Samuel Bovas and Mr. Listin Abey Mathew( Reg Id ALP 497) of College of Engineering Chengannoor won the second price.Mr. Sharath Madhusudhanan and Mr.Stefin Abraham ( Reg Id ALP 487) of Engineering Chengannoor bagged the third price.
The Seminar was officially inaugurated by the Guest of Honour of the function Er. James M David, Chief Engineer, Transmission North ,KSBEL .In his address he explained the his vision on the future power system of Kerala. He described the various hurdles faced by KSEBL in the development of Power system. He also narrated various achievements of KSEBL and growth of Indian power system in recent years. Er. George Mathew, General Secretary was special invitee for the function. He congratulated Alappuzha unit for organizing noval programmes. He explained the challenges in realizing 400 kV grids in Kerala. Dr. V Thirunavakkarasu, Principal , ACE presided over the function. He applauded associations’ initiatives in sharing the practical knowledge among students and introducing relevant practical problems among students community. Er. Anil M, welcomed the gathering, Prof .Praveen Raj, expressed vote of tnx