We always check on google for Indian Standards for various products/equipment(transformer/generator/breaker/line/cable etc). So here we have the list of IS code and its description. For more details on IS CODE and downloading the entire list , please click on our forum link below KSEBEA FORUM(IS code) S No. Standard No. Year Title 1 SP 30…
The state level competition of Energy Quiz was held at FISAT. The competition was one of the best in the state and First Prize secured by St.Gits College of Engineering Kottayam, Second prize of FISAT and Third Prize by North Malabar Engineer College Kanjangad
Diamond Jubilee of KSEBEA’s AGB inaugurated by Minister for Power Transport Mr. Aryadan Muhammed. The meeting hosted a National Level Seminar on Grid Connectivity of RE and issues and Solutions. [singlepic id=596 w=500 h=240 float=center]
Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) launched a comprehensive campaign that aims to improve demand-side management through an incentive scheme in order to ensure public participation. Labhaprabha, will run from March 23 to May 31. Labha Prabha involves two constituent schemes, of which one will focus on earning ‘energy credits’ and the other a ‘no load-shedding’…
[singlepic id=564 w=140 h=105 float=] [singlepic id=565 w=140 h=105 float=] Energy Conservation Day celeberated at TKM Inst.of Technology Kollam jointly with IEEE Power&Energy Society, Electrical Engg. Association , and Kollam TKM-IT and KSEB Engineers Association. [singlepic id=563 w=140 h=105 float=]
Every year India celebrates Engineers’ Day in honour of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, one of India’s most notable engineers. Born on September 15, 1860, Sir MV, as he was popularly known, was knighted as a Commander of the British Indian Empire by King George V for his myriad contributions to the public good.
Northern GRID breaks down after 11 years, 7 states are interrupted since 30-JULY-2012 2:30 AM . Indian Railway, Delhi metro service and water supply etc are interrupted. Officials are trying their best to normalize the situation.Visit forum forum for more details grid failure-forum discussion
The Board, vide B.O. (MF) No. 1099 (PS-I/Pension Revision/2011) dated 31-05-2012 has revised the rates of Pension and other related benefits to the Pensioners/family pensioners of the Board based on the Government Orders for more information [download id=”168″]