- Benevolent Fund – Silver Plus scheme
- Benevolent Fund – Silver scheme
- Benevolent Fund – Class A (Only for enrolled members and not available for new Enrollment)
- Medical Assistance Loan
- Benevolent Fund Extended Scheme( Class A & Silver Scheme)
- Medical Assistance Program (MAP) for Silver Scheme members
1. Benevolent Fund -Silver Plus Scheme
KSEB Engineers Benevolent Fund had started its operation in 1977 and the intention of the scheme is to provide immediate financial assistance to the bereaved family of the fellow Engineers who unfortunately meet with untimely death.
The Fund had three class of membership namely B class, A class and Silver scheme with one time member subscription of Rs. 1,000/-, Rs. 2,000/- and Rs. 4,000/- respectively. During the last Annual General Body meeting of the Fund held at Thodupuzha on 10th April 2016 decided to start a new scheme named as Silver plus scheme with one time member subscription of Rs. 6,000/- and a benevolent amount of Rs. 3,00,000/-. Members who are a member in Class A or Silver scheme shall enroll in the Silver plus scheme by remitting the difference of the subscription amount. The additional benefit in the Silver plus scheme are :-
- Discount in the lab testing fees at DDRC lab – Those who are enrolled in the Silver plus scheme shall be provided with a Privilege card issued by DDRC lab by which the member and their dependents shall avail discount in the lab tests conducted at DDRC lab including some special tests.
- Medical Assistance Loan – Members can avail assistance up to Rs. 20,000/- for hospital impatient treatment. When the claims are reimbursed from KSEBL or from any insurance scheme, the members have to pay back the loan to the Fund.
- Medical Assistance Programme – This scheme was introduced to assist our members to reduce their financial burden at the time of hospital treatment and limited to Silver and silver plus scheme members only without any additional subscription. The Assistance amount is being limited to Rs. 25,000/- for lifetime treatment.
2. Benevolent Fund -Silver Scheme
This scheme provides financial assistance to our fellow Engineers and their family members during the period of distress. This is a scheme with a deposit Subscription of Rs.4000/- per member and benevolent entitlement of Rs.2, 00,000/-. Free Medical Assistance Programme is an added advantage of Silver Scheme members. The scheme was introduced in 2007 and so far 605 members have joined in the scheme out of which 46 members have joined in this year (up to April 2015).
3. Benevolent Fund – A Class
The main aim of the scheme was to provide financial assistance to our fellow Engineers and their family members during the period of distress. We had this scheme with one time subscription of Rs.2000/- with an entitlement of Rs.1, 00,000/- as benevolent amount. New entry to this scheme is discontinued since the AGB held on 12.6.2011.
4. Medical Assistance Loan
It is a loan for the Benevolent Fund members only. Member can avail assistance up to Rs.20000/- for hospital inpatient treatment. When the claims are reimbursed from KSEB or from any insurance company, the members have to pay back the loan to the Fund
5. Benevolent Fund Extended Scheme
Our loyal members are not leaving the association on retirement and most of our members are life members. Members on retirement can join the Extended scheme without any additional subscription. The retired members shall submit an Extended scheme application at the time of retirement and will be enrolled to continue as Ben. Fund extended scheme member for the life time. Initially the benevolent amount was Rs.10,000/- and it was enhanced to Rs.20,000/- from 2007 onwards for Silver scheme members.
6. Extended Silver scheme
The Silver scheme is extended to the Retired members also who are ‘A’ class life members below 60 years of age. They may be admitted and enrolled as HONORARY Silver Scheme members on donation of not less than Rs.5000/- to the fund. Free Medical Assistance Programme is an added advantage of Silver Scheme extended members and Benevolent amount is Rs.20000/-.
7. Medical Assistance Program
This scheme was introduced to assist our members to reduce their financial burden at the time of hospital treatment and limited to the Silver Scheme members only without any additional subscription. The scheme has been started with the initial fund of Rs.10000/- contributed by Er.Vijayasekhara Pillai (Rtd), a life member of KSEB Engineers’ Association and former Unit Secretary of Trivandrum unit. The Association is contributing an amount of Rs.250/- per silver scheme member, annually to the fund. 10% of the Silver Scheme subscription of every SS member is also diverted to this fund. Donations can also be made to the MAP fund, if any members desire so, on special occasions.
- A member enrolled in the silver scheme of BF will automatically be eligible to avail the medical assistance without any additional subscription.
- Should be a current member of KSEB Engineers’ Association.
- All subscription and pay revision arrears if any should be cleared at the time of claim. If there is any arrears, the claims will be returned. No further adjustments will be made for clearing the arrears while disbursing claims.
- Application in the prescribed format with Xerox copies of the original claim bills duly signed by the concerned member should be submitted to the center through respective units.
- All the claims should invariably be certified and forwarded by the Chairman / secretary of the concerned unit.
- It is the responsibility of the Respective Units to verify the subscription details ,arrear subscription ,BF details before forwarding the bill to the centre
- Total number of claims is limited to a maximum of two in an year.
- The minimum claim amount is limited to Rs.5000/- per member at a time. Clubbing of bills having different duration / different treatments/different hospitals are not allowed. They are treated as different claims.
- Ceiling of claim is fixed as Rs.25,000/-(Rs.Twenty five thousand ) per member.
- Claims of only the immediate dependants, that are Spouse and children in the case of married member and parents in the case of bachelor members are entertained.
- Only IP bills are allowed for the claims.
- Bills on Ayurveda / Homeo /Naturopathy bills are not allowed.
- Claims will be allowed only for medical treatment within the jurisdiction of Kerala state.
- Exceptional claims in the above cases (clause 12 and 13) will be considered only on merit as and when required.
- At the time of submission, the member will be entitled to receive 25% of the sanctioned bill excluding room rent, doctor’s fees and other service related charges.
- The 25% advance given will be adjusted while making the final disbursement of the claim.
- The scheme is extended to the Retired members also who are ‘A’ class members below 60 years of age at the time of enrolment. They may be admitted and enrolled as HONORARY SS members on donation of not less than Rs.5000/- to the fund, the scheme will be open for enrolment up to 31st December 2010.
Download Members List of Extended Silver Scheme
- Silver scheme members on retirement may join the Extended Silver Scheme without paying the amount.
- An ESS member is entitled to receive the Medical Assistance of Rs.20000/-during his/her entire life time with the following conditions.
- The ESS member will not be eligible to receive any amount during the first year of enrollment in the ESS.
- From the 2nd year to 5th year, an ESS member will be entitled to receive a claim of maximum Rs.5000/-either at a time or part.
- From 6th year to 10th year, the ESS member will be entitled to receive a maximum of Rs.10000/- either in full or part.
- After 10 years, the ESS member will be eligible for a maximum of Rs.20000/- either full or part.
- If death occurs on the first year of retirement, the nominee will get a maximum of Rs.24000/- as Benevolent Amount.
- If the death occurs after the first year & within 5 year of retirement and eligible claims are not claimed, the nominee will get a maximum of Rs.25000/-
- If the death occurs after the 5th year & within 10 years of retirement and eligible claims are not claimed, the nominee will get Rs.30000/-
- If the death occurs after the 10th year of retirement and eligible claims are not claimed, the nominee will get a maximum of Rs.40000/-
- An MAP fund shall be formed with the initial amount of Rs.10000/-, donated by Er.Vijayasekhara pillai (Rtd.Engineer) a life member of KSEB Engineers’ Association and former Unit Secretary of Trivandrum unit.
- The association will contribute an amount of Rs.250/- to every silver scheme member annually.
- BF may divert 10% of the SS subscription as one time contribution for every SS member
- External donations can be made to the MAP fund on special occasions that may come across to every member.
Cancer Care for Life (CCL) :
We had introduced a new scheme for all Silver Scheme members of our Association, in association with Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram.
Download Application Form for CCL