Engineers House, TC 26/1300, Panavila, Thiruvananthapuram - 6950010471

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz -2018-Updates


Participation Certificates sent to all district level participants who successfully attended  the district level online competitions. Details of the eligible candidates were published earlier

Faculty Mentors require mentor-ship certificate , please send mails with details to


The state level competition of Energy Quiz was held at FISAT.



The competition was one of the best in the state and First Prize secured by St.Gits College of Engineering Kottayam, Second prize of FISAT and Third Prize by North Malabar Engineer College Kanjangad

More Details


Confirmed Participants

TSR Sreejith.V.S Nelson.P.O
MLP Hanna Sherin .N.K. Afsal Abdul Karim
KZD Anantha Padmanabhan Ayna Mariya Julius
KTM Bhagyalakshmi R Sherin xavier
KSD Sourav R Sathyanath M
KLM VISHVAJITH L sijo joseph
EKM Harsh Kumar Rakesh Sharma
IDK Rivi Thomas Ansu Sara Mathew
ALP Arjun VS Jaisankar VJ




State Level Competition on 21st November at FISAT, Hormis Nagar, Mookkannoor, Angamaly, Kerala 683577


10:00         Registration of participants

11:00              INAGURAL CEREMNOY


Welcome speech: Er. CP. George, Vice president KSEBEA

Presidential address: Er. N.T.Job, President KSEBEA

Inauguration: Mr. Paul Mundadan, Chairman of the Governing Body

Chief Guest: Er. James. M. David, Chief Engineer Distribution Central, KSEBL

Felicitation: Dr. George Isaac, Principal, FISAT

Vote of thanks: Er. Sunil.K, General Secretary, KSEBEA

11.45            Preliminary Round of Competition

12:30              Lunch break

13:00              Finals of Competition

15:00               Closing ceremony and prize distribution

Chief Guest: Er. Kesavadas.V, Chief Engineer Transmission System Operation, KSEBL

Felicitation: Dr. George Isaac, Principal, FISAT

Pradeep.KP, Chairman, KSEBEA Ernakulam Unit

Vote of thanks: Prof. Parvathy. R, HoD, Electrical and Electronics

National anthem




The finals of the APJ Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz organized by Kerala State Electricity Board Engineers Association shall be conducted at FISAT, Hormis Nagar, Mookkannoor, Angamaly, Kerala 683577 at 10.00  am on 21.11.2018 Wednesday.

The finals shall be conducted in two stages the first stage shall be an audio visual one with 25 questions. Questions will be shown on screen and the participants have to answer them in the sheet provided to them with in a time of 20 minutes.

Six teams shall be short listed from the participants for the second onstage of competition.

The second stage shall consist of six rounds and it shall be conducted as onstage program.  Questions shall be from a wide range of subjects basically related to Energy and Engineers.  Questions shall be from the field of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy and the Rules and Regulation governing this Filed. A few questions shall be from basic electrical Engineering  General knowledge, Current affairs and the entertainment sector such as cinema, songs etc This shall also be an audio visual program.  A comparatively new methodology is adopted in this stage to avoid the luck factor in the normal method.

The method is known as POUNCE AND BOUNCE

Bounce: These are a set of rules for determining scoring pattern of a quiz so that it is fair to all teams in final. The quiz master has no control on who gets the next direct question. It depends on whoever answers the previous question. The team next clockwise to the team who answered last question will get the direct question in half of total rounds. In the rest of rounds the team sitting next anticlockwise to last team to answer gets the next direct question.  Direct questions carry +10 marks   and pass questions carry +5.  Assume the actual question is to team 1; the question is passed until team 4 answers. The next question goes to team 5 and NOT team 2.


Pounce: After a question is read out, there is a window of time where any team who is sure of the answer may pounce on the question and raise their hand to gesture the quizmaster. If there are 6 teams and the question is to team 1, the QM gives 10 seconds after the question is asked for “pouncing”. All teams except team 1 can pounce.  The teams who have opted for pouncing have  to write down their answer in the paper provided. They DONT shout out the answer so the team who had the direct or any of the other teams who did not pounce can still answer and get points as per the bounce rules. But the trick is that there is a negative mark for pouncing and getting the answer wrong. It is +10  and    -10 for getting right or wrong respectively in pounce.

There are no negative marks   for bounce or direct questions so participants are best suited if they guess an answer as it is a free hit.
If all teams pounce and get it right or none of the teams get it right on bounce then the team who got that direct question will get the next direct question also.

The Results of the on-line Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz -2018 held on 15-10-2018 .

District Wise Select List for State Final

District  Candidate 1  Candidate 2 College
ALP Arjun VS Jaisankar VJ College of Engineering, Cherthala
EKM Harsh Kumar Rakesh Sharma School of Engineering, CUSAT
IDK Rivi Thomas Ansu Sara Mathew Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Kuttikanam ( MBC )
KLM VISHVAJITH L sijo joseph College of Engineering, Perumon
KNR ANEESA MOHAMMED ASHRAF ARUNDATHI DAS Vimaljyothi Engineering College,Chemperi P.O, Kannur (VML)
KSD Sourav R Sathyanath M North Malabar Institute Of Technology, Kanhangad ( NML )
KTM Bhagyalakshmi R Sherin xavier Saintgits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom, Kottayam ( MGP )
KZD Anantha Padmanabhan Ayna Mariya Julius Govt. Engineering College, Kozhikkode ( KKE )
MLP Hanna Sherin .N.K. Afsal Abdul Karim MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram ( MES )
PKD SREEJITH.K SHAIK ASHIQ CA Jawaharlal College of Engineering And Technology ( JCE )
PTA ViShnu c v ABDUL VAHIID PP College of Engineering, Aranmula
TSR Sreejith.V.S Nelson.P.O Nehru College of Engineering And Research Centre ( NCE )
TVM Pranav Sanjeev C Awadhesh kiran College Of Engineering Trivandrum ( TVE )

District Wise Runners up (May be invited ,if first prize winners decline to attend )

District  Candidate 1  Candidate 2 College
ALP Karthika das K Vivek K P College of Engineering, Cherthala
EKM Georgekutty Jcob Kavith Viswanath M A College Of Engineering, Kothamangalam ( MAC )
EKM Chinmay Sukumaran Divya Nair Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering Technology ( ASI )
IDK Vijayan Haripriya A Govt. Engineering College, Painavu, Idukki ( IDK )
KLM Anjana Anil Amritha Anil College of Engineering, Perumon
KNR ANUSREE TM SUJAY A Govt. College Of Engineering, Kannur ( KNR )
KSD SUBIN SURESH V ATHIRA BP College of Engineering, Thrikaripur
KTM Nithin Thankachan Aiswarya Amal Jyothi College of Engineering,Kanjirappally, Kottayam (AJC)
KZD VISHNU V ROHITH S KRISHNAN College of Engineering, Vadakara, Kozhikode
MLP ASNA.V.V RAIHANA FEBIN.V MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram ( MES )
PKD ARJUN M ARJUN A KUMAR N S S College Of Engineering, Palakkad ( NSS )
PTA Muhammed shanid PS Rahul P Raju College of Engineering, Aranmula
TSR Mohammed Fasil U M Shafeer Ahamed M H Universal Engineering College, Konathukunnu, Kodungallur, Thrissur ( UNT )
TVM Pournami AS G. Aparna Nair L B S Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram

To attend the quiz competition click the link given after instruction

 Instruction to the candidates

  1. Team means two students from the same college.

  3. Only B.Tech students,(any branch, any semester) are allowed to participate.
  4. Online registration is necessary for participating. Get consent of  your faculty mentor for registration. No other from registration is acceptable.
  5. Note down the registration id (Example 10101). This will be displayed after submitting your registration.
  6. Mere registration does not guarantee your candidature in the Quiz Competition. If you are shortlisted, you will get confirmation & Invitation from the respective KSEBEA unit for presentation. You may contact respective unit Quiz coordinators or Unit Secretary, if you fail to get confirmation in a reasonable time.


Click the following link to attend the quiz competition:

Quiz Competition 2018


Important announcement: Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz Competition 2018 is only open for students registered in 2018

The  Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz Competition 2018 is only open for the students registered for this year.

The registration id 15845 to 16323  is given to students registered this year .

Students registered only  for previous year competitions and not registered in 2018 are not eligible to participate. If you have received system generated confirmation based on 2016 and 2017 registration please ignore the mail.

Confirmation sent to all registered candidates , those who yet to receive confirmation mail  please check “spam” folder


The District level competition of Dr. A. P .J. Abdul Kalam energy quiz competition will be  held on 15/10/2018  on birth day of our former President of India , His Excellency Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

Registration for the quiz is fully online :CLOSED

Last date:8-10-2018, 12-10-2018, 5.00 pm

Sample question 1: .Meaning of photo-voltaic: a) Light electricity b) Sun powered c) Light-cells d) solar energy e)None of the above Ans-a

Sample question 2: .The first mini hydel plant in India was set up in 1897: a) Simla b) Dehradun c) Kulu d) Darjeeling Ans-d

if any serious query please contact :

Role of faculty mentor:

  1. The first round on 15-10-2018  and is fully online
  2. Kindly extend the lab facility(with internet) for students/if not possible , then students can use their own facility under your supervision
  3. It is closed book type of competition
  4. Pleas ensure that there is no malpractices during the quiz
  5. Students can login using the registration Id and email provided to them
  6. The quiz link will be enabled from 12:00 noon  to 1:00 pm on 15-10-2018  , please ensure that students are attending the competition during this interval
  7. 50 Qns and 30 minutes for each team after login and time will be displayed in the screen
  8. There will be negative marking.
  9. This is statewide competition and you can select appropriate time in between this slot (12:00 noon  to 1:00 pm) for each team or whole participants together.
  10. Any doubt please visit  or feel free to contact the district coordinators or  Er. Krishnakumar M (9447431132 )

Instruction to the candidates


  1. Team means two students from the same college.
  2. Only B.Tech students,(any branch, any semester) are allowed to participate.
  3. Online registration is necessary for participating. Get consent of  your faculty mentor for registration. No other from registration is acceptable.
  4. Note down the registration id (Example 10101). This will be displayed after submitting your registration.
  5. Mere registration does not guarantee your candidature in the Quiz Competition. If you are shortlisted, you will get confirmation & Invitation from the respective KSEBEA unit for presentation. You may contact respective unit Quiz coordinators or Unit Secretary, if you fail to get confirmation in a reasonable time.
  6. The District Level Competitions are Online.One team from each District will be selected for State Level Competition.
  7. For State level Competition, Candidates are required to bring Bonafide Student Certificate from the head of the Institution along with Original and Valid College ID card of all the team members.
  8. Failing to produce the documents in original and not reporting at the venue in time will lead to exclusion from the state level Quiz Competition
  9. The Schedule and Venue for district level competition will be intimate to you through your faculty Mentor. Please visit the website and check the registered e-mail for updates.
  10. No registration fee for participating in the Quiz Competition.


Previous Editions

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Energy Quiz 2017-state level final conducted on 30-10-2017 at Saintgits College of Engineering,Kottukulam Hills, Pathamuttom, Kottayam, Kerala 686532-Results
