Engineers Day was celebrated on 15.09.2014 at Engineers House Kannur. The function started at 10.10 AM with a silent prayer. Unit Secretary Er. Abdul Nazar welcomed the gathering.
After the Chairman’s address by Er. Biju M. T., Sir.Vishweshwarayya’s photo was garlanded by the Chief Guest Er.Azeez, Senior Project Engineer, Kannur International Airport Ltd. Er.Azeez is a native of Kozhikode and is on deputation from Airport Authority of India.
Sir Vishweshwarayya commemoration speech was delivered by Senior Er. V. P. Soman. After that, The Chief Guest Er. Azeez enlightened the gathering with his presentation on the subject ” Making Indian Engineering World Class”.
Senior most Er. Bhaskaran Nambiar P.U. was honoured during the function.
The function came to a close after the vote of thanks by Er.Neelam Chandran.