Engineers House, TC 26/1300, Panavila, Thiruvananthapuram - 6950010471

Engineers’ Day -Thrissur



photoEngineers day celebration at thrissur unit started at 10 AM by electrification of 20 house by Er. C V Nandan , Director ( Generation and HRM) and the meeting was presided by ER. James M David ( Chief Engineer, Transmission North). Er. P Sethumadhavan presented welcome speech in the programme and Er. C V Nandan aprreciated this great effort by KSEBEA. Er. T R Suresh Chairman Thrissur Unit read out the report and congratulated all the 20 BPL families of Olarikara (9), Chimmony Dam(6) , Ollur(4) and Chovvur(1) for joing the family of KSEB Ltd. He also conveyed that electrification drive has opened the eyes of the members and it is hard to say that still there are people without electrictiy at thier home due to financial instability. He has aprreciated unit members for making this drive a reality. Unit distributed 60 LED lights for lighting the 20 families and showed the spirit of “Go Green”. Er. C R Thomas Dy CE, Thrissur presented Memento to Er. C V Nandan and Er. James M David. Er. Biju R Moyalan presented Vote of Thanks.

The afternoon session of Er’s Day programme started by 2:30 and Er. T R suresh Chairman presided the meeting. He talked on importance of Er’s day and rememberd the great Engineer Sir Visvesvaraya. He also informed that professionalism and social resposibilty of engineers shall never be compramised and Today we have met the challeges of 20 BPL house by electrifying their houses. Sri. C C Sreekumar , President Thrissur Panchayat inagurated the ceremony and talked on Engineering Challenges for Knowldege Era. He Said the saying “ മാതാ പിതാ ഗുരു ദൈവം “ with GOOGLE and now we all have become data entry operators. Dr. T Krishnakumar , Prinicipal in charge of Thrissur Engineer College presented Key note address and informed the challeges viz. Security of data and Computer literacy among the poor people. Er. C R Thomas Dy CE and Er. N T Job State Vice President talked on the topic and informed that computerization will reduce the paper work and wastage of papers and will make the offices more efficient in all sense. They also conveyed that we have electrified 20 houses today and there are more families in the state with same challeges. Er. K V Abdu talked on the rememberance of Er. Bhrahmadathan, Er. K L Jose who lost his life in Panniar Tragedy and Er. Betty Tresa. Er. T A Kuriaksoe also talked on the subject. Er. Shine Sebastian Secretary TCR unit presented vote of Thanks by mentioning all the memebers of the unit and especially to Er.Salil PC, Er Raju, Er. Arun Kumar, Er. Biju R Moyalan, Er. Nixon P Manjali, Er. H Suresh , Er V suresh, Er Jiji Francis and Er. Abdu.
