Representation has been received from the President,Kannada Sahitya Parishath, Kasaragod requesting interalia to issue electricity invoices in Kannada Language too in accordance with the Order No.TS3/Adalath 10-11 dated 25/2/2011 issued by the Deputy Chief Engineer, Electrical Circle, Kasargode. Kerala Government vide G.O. cited above had granted certain facilities to linguistic
minorities in the State.
Board has accorded sanction to adopt the G.O. for implementation subject to rules and guidelines to be framed by the Board. Monthly /Bimonthly invoices are issued to the consumers in Malayalam only. The Chief Engineer, Distribution (North) informed that in order to mitigate the grievances printing of some spot bill forms and receipt forms in Kannada language can be tried with the concurrence of
Board. Having considered above, Board hereby grants permission to the Deputy Chief Engineer, Electrical Circle, Kasargod to make necessary arrangements to print and issue spot bills/monthly invoices/receipt books/notices in Kannada language in the linguistic minority area of Kasaragod District.