The Engineers’ Day Celebration 2014 of Alappuzha unit held at Haripad on 16-9-2014. Er. George Mathew Inaugurated the Celebration. He explained the importance of the Engineers’ day celebration and bringing professionalism among KSEB Engineers. He called upon all unit members to rededicate themselves and uphold the dignity of the profession. Er. George Mathew introduced the theme’ Making Indian Engineering World-Class’ and the importance of the theme in the present scenario and especially for the power engineers. Prof. Geethu R. S, Amrita School of Engineering was the chief guest of the day and delivered the key note address on the subject ‘State Machines’. Er. K.J .Abdul Vahid introduced the guest and explained how the subject fits in the theme. Er. Vishveshwaryya commemoration talk was delivered by Er. Krishnakumar M and Dr. Binu Sankar led the brain storming session on the subject