Notification for the 7th Seminar Series Competition for B.Tech Students (Alappuzha District level) KSEB Engineers’ Association is a leading professional body of the Power Engineers in the State Power Sector. The Association is committed to give priority to the dissemination of technical knowledge. Engineers’ Association in association with IEEE Power & Energy Society, Kerala…
The Seminar Series competition conducted jointly by the KSEB Engineers’ Association and the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Kerala Chapter ( ) at District and State levels. The topic of the seminar is “Power Augmentation in Kerala Issues, Challenges & Solutions”. The date and venue of District level Seminar shall intimated shortly.
The Seminar Series competition conducted jointly by the KSEB Engineers’ Association and the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Kerala Chapter ( ) at District and State levels.The topic of the seminar is “Power Augmentation in Kerala Issues, Challenges & Solutions”. The date and venue of District level Seminar visit the following link or contact respective…
The topic for special seminar series :Power Augmentation in Kerala-Issues, Challenges and Solution