Engineers House, TC 26/1300, Panavila, Thiruvananthapuram - 6950010471


Orientation program for Short listed AE candidates

Orientation program for Short listed AE candidates

Orientation program for Short listed AE candidates conducted at Hotel Anugraha, Vyttila, Ernakulam on 22.05.2016 from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Program- Er.Getrude, AEE(Vice Chairman) welcomed the participants, the program was Inaugurated by Er. KP Pradeep DyCE in the presence of Er. C.P George(DCE,EC, Pala)and Er.George V James, (DCE, KDPP). Presidential Address was given by Er. Satheesh…

Registration- Seminar Series competition 2016

Registration- Seminar Series competition 2016

The Seminar Series competition  conducted jointly by the KSEB Engineers’ Association and the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Kerala Chapter ( ) at District and State levels.   The topic of the seminar is “Power  Augmentation in Kerala Issues, Challenges & Solutions”.  The date and venue of District level  Seminar shall intimated shortly.

Unit Meeting- Eranakulam

Unit Meeting- Eranakulam

Unit Meeting-  Eranakulam on 15-10-2015 Chief Guest: Dr,. Vijayakumar, Professor , CUSAT Venue: Youth Hostel , Kakkanad Topic : Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam and his Contribution to the nation


Er. GAYATHRI NAIR R , Chief Engineer( Transmission – System Operation), having served the KSE Board for the past 28 years retired from the service in KSE Board Ltd on 31.05.2014. KSEB EA Ernakulam unit expresses gratitude to the support extended to this Association and showers a prosperous and happy retirement life.

Special Seminar Series-V with the support of IEEE Power & Energy Society Kerala Chapter. “ROLE OF PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT (PMU) IN POWER SYSTEM” .

Special Seminar Series-V with the support of IEEE Power & Energy Society Kerala Chapter. “ROLE OF PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT (PMU) IN POWER SYSTEM” .

Venue:Albertian Institute of science and Technology (AISAT), Kalamassery. Date &Time: 25th January 2014, from 09:00 hrs to 16:00hrs

Family Get-together and New Year Celebrations

Family Get-together and New Year Celebrations

The New Year celebrations and Family Get Together of KSEBEA Ernakulam Unit was held on 14-01-2012 (Saturday) at 5.30pm at Hotel High way Gardens, NH Byepass, Edappally.
