Engineers House, TC 26/1300, Panavila, Thiruvananthapuram - 6950010471


Unit Activities

National Energy Conservation Day- Kottayam Unit

National Energy Conservation Day- Kottayam Unit

14th December is being observed as “National Energy Conservation Day”. This year, KSEBEA Kottayam unit in association with SAINTGITS College of Engineering, IEEE-IAS SBC SAINGITS, IEI-SAINTGITS is celebrating National Energy Conservation Day on 14-12-2015 (Monday) 2:00 pm at Saint Gits Engineering college campus. Er A. Saifuddin (Former Dy. Chief Engineer & Principal of PETARC, KSEB)…

Registration- Seminar Series competition 2016

Registration- Seminar Series competition 2016

The Seminar Series competition  conducted jointly by the KSEB Engineers’ Association and the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Kerala Chapter ( ) at District and State levels.   The topic of the seminar is “Power  Augmentation in Kerala Issues, Challenges & Solutions”.  The date and venue of District level  Seminar shall intimated shortly.

KSEBEA Kottayam Unit Meeting- 4th December Friday 5:00 PM

KSEBEA Kottayam Unit Meeting- 4th December Friday 5:00 PM

Dear Engineer, Unit meeting of KSEBEA Kottayam unit shall be held on 4th December 2015(Friday) at Bestotel, Near Thirunakkara Maidan, Kottayam at 5 : 00 pm Members are requested to attend and inform all concerned. NB: Technical Presentation by Er Midhun Varghese is also arranged. Please dont miss it.

Engineer’s day 2015- Kottayam

Engineer’s day 2015- Kottayam

KSEBEA Kottayam unit celebrated 2015 Engineer’s day on 9-09-2015.Er C.P. George, Chairman KSEBEA Kottayam, gave Presidential address. Commemoration address and Engineers day message was delivered by Er Saifudhin. Chief guest and Engineer’s day theme were presented by Prof. P.V.Varkey , HOD,Dept. Of EEE St Joseph college of Engineering Pala and Former Chief Electrical Inspector.

Engineer’s Day 2014

Engineer’s Day 2014

Chief Guest : Dr Jimy Thomas, Geotechnical Consultant Presidential speech: Er C.P. George Commemoration speech: Er Anil M. Engineers day 2014 Theme Presentation: Er John P John Unit Meeting & Engineers’ Day 2013 celebration of Kottayam unit held on September 11, Wednesday, 5.30 pm at VETSHOME, Kodimataha , Kottayam



The 59th Annual General Body Meeting of KSEB Engineers’ Association was held at Kottayam on 6th May 2012 (Sunday) Venue: Sumangaly Auditorium, Kodimata, Kottayam Hon. Minster for Power & Transport, Sri. ARYADAN MUHAMMED inaugurated the Function. National & International dignitaries participated in the Seminar. The topic for the National Seminar: ‘Solar Energy – Solution to…
