14th December is being observed as “National Energy Conservation Day”. This year, KSEBEA Kottayam unit in association with SAINTGITS College of Engineering, IEEE-IAS SBC SAINGITS, IEI-SAINTGITS is celebrating National Energy Conservation Day on 14-12-2015 (Monday) 2:00 pm at Saint Gits Engineering college campus. Er A. Saifuddin (Former Dy. Chief Engineer & Principal of PETARC, KSEB)…
The Seminar Series competition conducted jointly by the KSEB Engineers’ Association and the IEEE Power and Energy Society, Kerala Chapter (pes.ieeekerala.org ) at District and State levels. The topic of the seminar is “Power Augmentation in Kerala Issues, Challenges & Solutions”. The date and venue of District level Seminar shall intimated shortly.
Dear Engineer, Unit meeting of KSEBEA Kottayam unit shall be held on 4th December 2015(Friday) at Bestotel, Near Thirunakkara Maidan, Kottayam at 5 : 00 pm Members are requested to attend and inform all concerned. NB: Technical Presentation by Er Midhun Varghese is also arranged. Please dont miss it.
KSEBEA Kottayam unit celebrated 2015 Engineer’s day on 9-09-2015.Er C.P. George, Chairman KSEBEA Kottayam, gave Presidential address. Commemoration address and Engineers day message was delivered by Er Saifudhin. Chief guest and Engineer’s day theme were presented by Prof. P.V.Varkey , HOD,Dept. Of EEE St Joseph college of Engineering Pala and Former Chief Electrical Inspector.
Chief Guest : Dr Jimy Thomas, Geotechnical Consultant Presidential speech: Er C.P. George Commemoration speech: Er Anil M. Engineers day 2014 Theme Presentation: Er John P John Unit Meeting & Engineers’ Day 2013 celebration of Kottayam unit held on September 11, Wednesday, 5.30 pm at VETSHOME, Kodimataha , Kottayam
The 59th Annual General Body Meeting of KSEB Engineers’ Association was held at Kottayam on 6th May 2012 (Sunday) Venue: Sumangaly Auditorium, Kodimata, Kottayam Hon. Minster for Power & Transport, Sri. ARYADAN MUHAMMED inaugurated the Function. National & International dignitaries participated in the Seminar. The topic for the National Seminar: ‘Solar Energy – Solution to…