The Special Seminar Series-IV- 2013 organized by KSEB Engineers’ Association, Alappuzha unit held at College of Engineering &. Management Punnapra. The topic for the seminar was “Grid connectivity of renewable energy-issues and solutions”. Fifteen teams from various engineering colleges in Alappuzha district registered for the seminar. Eleven teams presented papers in the seminar . Team…
As part of the 46th Engineers’ Day celebrations KSEB Engineers’ Association, Alappuzha Unit launched an E-THOUGHTS – ‘Engineering Idea Contest’ for the engineering student community on the theme FRUGAL ENGINEERING on 12/9/2013. The contest aims at popularising the importance of Engineers’ day and encourages young talents to apply their imagination and critical thinking in the…
Er. James M David delivered Invited talk on ‘Operational Problems in Power Utility under Scarce Scenario’ in National Conference on Technology advancements in Power and Energy held on 6 ,July- 2013 held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham- University , Amritapuri .The literature is published in the conference proceedings. The conference was sponsored by Kerala State Council…
‘conserVE’ , an inter collegiate project design competition organized by KSEBEA Alappuzha unit and Sree Buddha Engineering College , Pattoor for the engineering students concluded on 6.4.2013. The competition aims to encourage the budding engineers to apply their imagination, enthusiasm, critical thinking and creativity to technology innovations that can contribute to the nation building. The…
As part of the state level ‘brightening Kerala ‘ programme, KSEB Engineers’ Association Alappuzha unit organized an essay writing competition on the topic “ Energy Conservation” on 25-12-2012 in association with Samskarika Samunvaya Vedhi, a coalition of over 80 arts and sports club of Karthikappally taluk to spread the message of Energy Conservation to the…
The unit hosted the Governing Body meeting of the association on 27.9.2012 at Alappuzh The unit meeting for the month September held on 27.9.2012 at Alappuzha. The Unit meeting decided to conduct a family trip to Athirappally ,Vazhachal and Poringal kutthu on Pooja Holidays and nominated Er. K.J.A Vahid as the coordinator